Surface defects, fracture areas, weld lines
3D CAD model, optimized mesh
New part drawings, deformation analysis
Reverse engineering with 3D scanning involves capturing precise composition and physical details of an object in order to improve, augment or recreate it. Our reverse engineering practises ensures that critically important parts are repaired and replaced quickly and accurately. In industries such as automotive, manufacturing, aerospace, healthcare, shipping, and much more, reverse engineering is paramount in many design and execution processes.
Our process involves capturing billions of data points on objects of various sizes. After registering the data, we create an interactive 3D model for various platforms with surfaces modeled to accurately represent the as-built object. We can then prepare a mesh for part optimization, or it can be 3D printed directly for rapid prototyping.

Implement and Deliver
Accurate 3D CAD model
Deformation analysis
2D technical documentation, drawings and sections
Meshed CAD model
Pan, zoom and rotate 360 degree view of the model
Clash detection on surrounding area or model
CAD Software
Fusion 360
Leica Cyclone
Faro Scene